Lower Primary Coordinator’s Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to another year at IDC. I would like to extend a very warm welcome to our new students who have begun their schooling at Sirius College. This is a memorable occasion for the children and I hope that they and their families will be very happy at IDC.

We are delighted to have had such a positive start to the year. Our foundation students have settled well into their new routines and the year ones and twos are rising to our high expectations. Upon visiting the lower primary classrooms, I am very pleased to report that the school is very settled and the children have started back with very positive attitudes.

I would like to welcome Miss Vicky Tzourtzouklis, who is our newly appointed class 2B teacher, and we welcome back Mrs Gocke Alici who has returned from her maternity leave to teach class 1B. At the close of term one we sadly farewell Mrs Brianna Scaife and wish her the very best as she begins her new adventures inter-state. Our school will miss your kind and calm demeanour and your never-ending positivity.

As it’s the beginning of the year, this newsletter is a bumper issue. Before we delve into the housekeeping matters I would like to address two points:

Some information below will be more useful for our new parents, but can also serve as a reminder for more established families.

Please contact me should you have any queries. Have a very safe and restful break.

Kind Regards,

Ms Kate Pryce
Lower-Primary Coordinator